Holy Moly Grilled Cheese

Howdy, Hello friends!! How are you?! Hopefully staying dry and warm on this nasty evening. Here in Charlotte you’d think we had a blizzard coming as the shelves are empty in the grocery stores and the lines for the gas pumps leak into the streets. Yes, Northerners we are well aware that we are pathetic. However, regardless of how pathetic we are, the cold requires some delicious and warm comfort food. For me, that meant Grilled Cheese!! A long time favorite but this weekend it was taken up a notch….


1. Butter…. sorry never said it was healthy 😉

2. Fresh Baked Farm Bread. So delicious. Can’t say I made it on my own but I can say Whole Foods bakery is awesome!!

3. Gooey, stringy Fontal Italian Cheese. The lady at Whole Foods really sold us on this one when we mentioned we wanted to make “yummy grilled cheese” and I have to say it was a great choice.

4. Baked chicken seasoned with salt and pepper.

5. Sliced Tomato

Butter the bread, melt the cheese, layer on the tomato and chicken and Boom! Holy Moly Grilled Cheese!!



What tasty grilled cheese creations have you made? Please share in the comments below.  I’m thinking adding avocado would be another great addition. Stay warm this evening friends!

Happy Monday!